Naperville Landscaping Services
Serving the Naperville Community and the surrounding suburbs
13 Mar 2017
Fail-Proof Rules You Must Follow for Your Landscape Tasks

Fail-Proof Rules You Must Follow for Your Landscape Tasks

Having your own little heaven outside is surely a tempting idea to many, but how much of a chore landscaping really is? If you are new in landscaping, you must be eager to plant lawn, some flowers and other plants, add a beautiful bench where you can sit and relax after a long, hard day at work. Before you reach the stage of admiring your landscaping mastery, however, there is a lot of work to do.

Although there are no guidelines in landscaping and you have all the freedom you want, you still need a few rules to help you stay up to the landscaping tasks. Mowing, trimming, mulching, planting, watering, fertilizing, feeding, digging and many other chores, landscaping requires a serious commitment, real effort and a lot of time and money. If you can’t do all the landscaping chores yourself, no worries, there are a plenty of options for hiring assistance. But if you’re rather a do-it-yourself kind of person, we got you some fail-proof rules that will help you complete each and every task all by yourself.

Create a Lawn Maintenance Schedule

Since there are so many landscaping tasks, what you need to stay up to them all is a good and regular maintenance schedule. Watering, trimming and mowing are daily, weekly and biweekly chores. Failing to meet your plants’ demands can result in (plants) death. Since you don’t want that to happen, set yourself a lawn maintenance schedule and do your best to stick to it regardless of your conditions. If you’re going on a vacation, make sure to have a person who will check your yard every 2-3 days and do some of the musts, like watering.

Style Your Landscape so It Can Reflect Your Personality

Depending on your desired result, your skill set and your yard condition, your landscape can not only determine if you’re really a do-it-yourself landscaper or not, but it also speaks volumes about your personality. Just like the interior of your home, you can use your yard to reflect your personality via your landscape style. Landscape is all about expressing your attitude and taste and it can provide you with space for outside activities too. For example, if you’re planning to have formal parties with business associates outside, you will need a formal arrangement that features some shrubs, a few beds and a sophisticated table. But if it’s for you and your family only, go for more casual.

Consider Your Landscape’s Functionality

Besides style, your landscape needs to be functional too. To make it as functional as possible while keeping your style, you will need to consider which elements do you really need and which ones should go away as all they do is get in your way. With less unnecessary elements, it will be much easier to maintain your yard. Unless you’re not styling your yard for business meetings, don’t add beds with curves and edges, as they can make your landscaping chores much difficult.

Get a Drip Water Irrigation System

In an age with incredibly advanced technology, it would be only surprising if technology failed to provide a way in every possible field. One way to take advantage of automated systems is to install an automatic drip-watering system. Simply set the time for watering and you’re good. But if you prefer DIY projects over automated, you can do it the old-school way. Put one plastic bottle in each plant. That will be enough water for about 3 days.

Add Mulch for Both Decorative and Maintenance Purposes

By using mulch, you can create a beautiful and healthy landscape that controls weeds, conserves water and reduces labor costs. Depending on the number of plants you have, you will need to invest a reasonable amount of money in mulch every now and then. To save money on mulch, you can chip and shred all the brushes, tree prunings, leaves and grass clippings that you would otherwise throw away as they fall on the ground. This organic mulch will add a beautiful layer that will also protect the soil.

Invest in Quality Soil

Since all of your plants depend on the soil quality, you should never try to save on soil, whether it’s extra work or money. Healthy, quality soil contains mineral materials, biological organisms, organic matter, air and water and is an important asset you need to take a good care of. If the soil doesn’t let water and air to get in touch with the roots of your plants, it means that the soil has become compacted and requires aeration. If you don’t fix your soil on time, it could be too late for your plants. If its quality has become too poor to fix, it’s time for new soil.

Make Sure Your Plants Get Plenty of Sunlight

Not only do you want to enjoy the sun, but your plants too. Regardless of what type of plants you have in your yard, they all share the same need for sunlight. Plants convert air, water and sunlight into energy for themselves and that is the only way they can thrive. If some of your plants lack of natural light, instead of supplementing artificial lighting, it’s better if you simply reorganize your whole landscape so that the sunlight will be smiling at your plants. It’s not an easy task, but it can definitely save you from a lot of trouble in long run.

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19 Jan 2017
winter lawn

How To Better Take Care Of Your Lawn In The Winter Season

Winter is here. You might think that this means a vacation from all the activities that include lawn maintaining, but if you take a great deal of pride as I do in my yard, you would know that taking care of your lawn and yard is not a one or two season activity. Here in the north-east Illinois, winter can be pretty harsh as we all know it. This could have a devastating effect on your lawn. If you don’t take the required measurements, it will be almost impossible to get the summer lawn you wanted. That’s why we are providing 5 tips to keep your lawn alive during winter and persevere its fully beauty.

Add mulch before the cold hits hard

Make sure you add a thin layer of mulch right before the weather gets too cold. This will protect your grass from snow, frost and inclement weather. Also, it prevents the deeper layers of your soil from freezing so that it will be much easier for your grass to return in the spring.

Rest the lawn

When the snow covers the lawn, walking on it can cause damage because the grass plants are not actively growing which makes it hard to repair themselves if damaged. You can direct all the foot traffic through a clean path that goes around the lawn. Be careful, don’t park a vehicle on the lawn in winter, it can do some serious damage.

Don’t cut your grass too short

This means you have to stop mowing your lawn after the first frost, because if you do, you will be left with a short grass that is exposed to dryness and evaporation and can cause issues with bacteria later on.

Keep the lawn clean

Leaving fallen leaves or branches on the grass for too long can seriously stunt your grass and cause a lot of damage. This can be easily prevented with a garden rake or brush by sweeping the fallen leaves.

Watch out for salt

Snow full of salt can undo all the work you have put in your lawn all year. Be careful not to use salt onto your grass or if you have to, try using as minimal salt as you can.

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